No. 937
Lodge Saratoga
Lodge Saratoga – The Lodge that nearly did not receive its Charter.
The conclusion of World War 2 saw a spurt in growth of the village of Saratoga, with many retirees making Saratoga their home. Such was the number that in 1953, the Saratoga Masonic Association was formed. With the completion of Saratoga Progress Association Community Hall, meetings became a formality. Such meetings could last hours as the road to Gosford was inundated by high tide and if there was torrential rain! In 1957, United Grand Lodge of NSW received a Petition for a Charter. Finally, at the fourth attempt, approval was granted.
On 24th October 1959, MW Brother Harry Maas, Grand Master, entered the Gosford Masonic Temple to consecrated Lodge Saratoga; this was his first Consecration during his term, with W.Bro. Maurice Scott installed as its Foundation Master. The Volume of Law (2) donated by Lodge Rising Sun and a Methodist minister, the Baton by Lodge Morning Star, the Collars by Lodge Gosford and each Foundation Officers purchased their own jewel.
In 1979, the Sydney Masonic Centre Opening Committee presented Lodge Saratoga, a jewel known as ‘The Parramatta Jewel’ to be worn by its successive masters; this continues today.
If you would like to know more about Lodge Saratoga No. 937, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form below.
More information
For information on becoming a Freemason on the Central Coast you can contact the District Grand Inspector of Workings (DGIW) at
For information on Freemasonry in NSW and ACT, visit the website of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory.

Meets at:
Gosford Masonic Centre
86 Mann Street
Gosford NSW 2250
4th Thursday (even months) @ 7pm
1st Friday (even months) @ 7pm
3rd Saturday in October @ 5pm
Ian Griffith